Sunday, December 6, 2009

Photos Of Ringworm Is This A Ringworm? I'm Not Sure. Please Help?

Is this a ringworm? I'm not sure. Please help? - photos of ringworm

A week ago, my friend and I went to the beach, where I went barefoot, there are some. Also marketed by a small path in the woods near a river and I in flip-flops. I mean, that's where I do what I can get my feet because I realized that the next day. My mother and my mother of my friend, and I think it's a sport. Might find, but the images of what appear exactly the same. But I know it can vary. Pica sometimes like crazy! I have a picture from infected areas. It can be difficult to see in these pictures: / I saturation, so that you can better see the redness. What do you mean? And how can I treat it? ... ... ...

It seems to expand, as I have another red spot appears on the opposite side of my right foot. The highlight things like crazy.


sydney said...

This seems in fact a staph infection shortly. You can buy it for almost everything, even barefoot in a place where bacteria can accumulate. A good example would be a beach. This infection can be mild or very rarely lead to death. I myself have been twice and was put on antibiotics for a few weeks. My staphylococci started well and after a few weeks eating my flesh. For security reasons, I would you tell your doctor as soon as possible. It is perhaps not staphylococci, but look like ringworm to me. Good luck! and I hope that everything is fast.

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