Friday, January 29, 2010

Baby Cat Allergy Symptoms How Long Will Symptoms Last Baby With Allergies... What Do I Do?!?

Baby with Allergies... what do I do?!? - baby cat allergy symptoms how long will symptoms last

My two months old, has allergies, I think your cats ...
We went to California for Christmas and all her symptoms have disappeared, but when we go home twice ...

I was very allergic to cats when I was young, I have 5 years of shots and pills for 12 years to develop resistance to them to ...

I like cats, we haben 3 The impression I suspect allergies, the two men, cats outside.

Not much help. I have been trying as much as I can not get cat hair in the house. We are moving to California in a month so that will help, but how do I make it until then?

My poor baby is still coughing, sneezing, rubbing his eyes ... I do not know what to do! Ive seen 3 different pediatricians on this issue, and everyone tells me that the only thing that separated from the hair. All things on the market are not safe for children under 2 years.

I went to give my cat a bath and shave. Oh, that was funny ...


daisy said...

May God bless you! Shaving your cat ... Love as a mother. try to the best of both worlds! lol! ;-) So trying to get rid of hair. keep clean and do not let him near her. Maybe you could try to really deep clean rooms and stay and keep the cats in the rooms. PED'm nurse and Shit Happens sometimes with prolonged exposure to allergens such as asthma. therefore on the lookout for respiratory problems. I suspect that the nurse is in me. Perhaps if I clock in California, keep the cats out of you and keep your hair free at home. a new beginning. more ... I do not know, "remember what age they should be around 2 years ... but the best thing that allergy tests in the case of small and really see the cats can do to get started. We hope you can keep the cats, but can not tolerate, you increase your chances of more severe allergic reactions in the future and must give a family member or something. good luck:)

Charli Mamma Di Gemini's said...

A few questions.
Do you have a blood test and allergy skin is your baby?
Do you have a hair vacuum?
Do you have an air purifier?

Invest in a good vacuum cleaner pet hair and cleaning the air quality. I have one of the two, as we have pets (who seem to think they own this house!). Take away the hair and clean the air breathed the child.
I can only recommend is to get environmental allergic to cats.

Edit ~ ~
Hello again! I just checked whether they received and read your doctor says he is too young for allergy testing. No, my son had a bad reaction to horses at 6 weeks and has to perform both a blood test and a skin test. Blood tests for allergy tests for cats, dust, dogs. I had to deal with young people, Tobias in 6 weeks, 6 months, 12 months. Links of a website so that you can see what can be done.
I am surprised that the doctor not to seek help in all cases, especially since he has seen 3! Tell them to remove the finger and your child!

The attempt to showRECENT doctor in California. I am sorry for you. Is there a way you can prevent certain parts of the house?
When you close the door?

entropys... said...

After removal of the cats and empty, are really the place. You can not overfnight of allergens that are not exempt just possible, they are everything. Therefore, cats should stay away for long, as well as cleaning and dust to Thouroughly.

Anonymous said...

You should see a doctor. If you really loved his son, do not waste your time on Yahoo, waiting for a response.

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